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Get access to denied journals

If you see in the Journal denials list in the Librarian Portal that a journal has many denials, you might consider subscribing to it so that your patrons have access to the content they need for their research and learning.

Journals can be licensed in packages or as individual titles. Info about journal licensing on springernature.com.

The price of single journals vary based on your institution’s size and other factors. Our public journal price lists are indicative of the price you will need to pay. To get to know your specific licensing fee, contact your licensing manager or (if it’s available to you) click the “Ask for your price” button next to the journal you would like to get a quote for. After clicking on the “Ask for your price” button, your licensing manager will be informed that your organisation is interested in the title. They will then contact you or another person in your organisation via email with information about your licensing fee and other terms. If you have requested your price, but do not need this info anymore, let your licensing manager know.

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