My submission / publication is not showing on my Springer Nature profile

Please jump to the section, respective to your issue:

Submission missing


Different Email Address Used: If you have made a submission but do not see it in your account, it may be because you used a different email address for the submission than the one you are using to log in to your profile. In this case, please log in using the email address associated with your submission. Once logged in, you can update your email address in the account settings to your preferred one. 

If you still need to get a (matching) account, please create one under register a new account, to track your submissions and check your impact.


Not the Corresponding or Submitting Author: If you have contributed to a manuscript but are not the corresponding or submitting author, the submission might not appear in your account. Please check with the corresponding or submitting author for more details as well as progress updates. 

Submission Through Another System: If you have submitted your manuscript through a different system (e.g., not via Snapp, eJP, or EM), your submission might not be visible in your profile. For status updates, please directly login to the submission system used.  

Not confirmed corresponding author status via the Snapp email: If you are the corresponding author that has submitted your manuscript in our Snapp peer review system, you will have received an email from Snapp. You must confirm that you are the corresponding author via the response outlined in the email in order for you to see your submission(s) in Snapp. 


Publication missing

Your article was published less than 14 days ago: 

Please allow around 14 days for the article to appear in your account.

Different Email Address Used:

If you have made a submission but do not see it in your account, it may be because you used a different email address for the submission than the one you are using to log in to your profile. In this case, please log in using the email address associated with your submission. Once logged in, you can update your email address in the account settings to your preferred one. 

If you still need to get a (matching) account, please create one under register a new account, to track your submissions and check your impact.

First publication with Springer Nature and no public ORCID ID:

If the article you are missing is your first ever published article, please make sure 


  1. To add it to your ORCID record
  2. Your ORCID profile is public, as described in Visibility preferences
  3. To connect the same ORCID profile to your Springer Nature Profile - “Linked accounts”.


Afterwards, please allow a minimum of 14 days for the article to show up in your account.

Some publications missing

We would like to involve our technical team in the solution process. For that, please Contact Author Support with the following information: 

  • Your full name 
  • Your alias (if any)
  • All Springer Nature relevant email addresses 
  • All DOIs expected in your account

Unrelated publication showing

We would like to involve our technical team in the solution process. For that, please Contact Author Support with the following information: 

  • Your full name
  • All Springer Nature relevant email addresses
  • All DOIs expected in your account
  • All unrelated DOIs

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